
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Saving Space in the Kitchen

Last night I asked my dad a very serious question. "Pa", I said, "if I'm a take-out dinner wife, will you disown me?" 

The kitchen is a place full of potential. Some people (like every other girl in my family) have the patience and ability to create that potential. Me? Well, I longingly smell their food and eat their leftovers. It doesn't take much space to create those delicious masterpieces but for some reason we have it in our minds that a lot of space is needed. I came up with a few tips for opening up a smaller kitchen:
  • The Right Color. Softer colors allow light to bounce around a reflect, creating more depth and life to the room. Darker shades absorb light and will only make the room look smaller. Whites, pale blues, soft yellows, and light grey's would be great choices for kitchens. Try to stick with a one or two colors for simplicity and cleanliness.
  • Declutter. The task may be daunting, but if everything in the kitchen has a specific space it will make for a much smoother system. Try to have uniform containers if things like cereals need to be kept out, avoid knick-knacks and other decor around the tops of cupboards and on fridges, and put away appliances when you are finished. Extra shelving within cupboards can be added to most effectively use space.
  • Emphasize Light. If you are lucky enough to have windows in your kitchen, emphasize the light it provides by keeping the window uncovered, clean, and freshly painted. Allow the kitchen to become a focal point. Under cabinet lighting is a practical addition to add to any kitchen. In the photo above, mirrors are used as the backsplash to create the illusion of more space.
  • Multiple Purposes. Try to only purchase necessary things in regards to food and furnishings. Meal plans can be planned ahead to use the same ingredients multiple times throughout the week, saving on money and space. Consider how the furniture you have or are looking to purchase can double up in purpose - coffee table as kitchen table, bench seating with storage inside, a roll away island that can be hidden away when it's not in use.
Do these tips help? What unsolvable problems do you have with your kitchen?

By the way, my dad's response to my troubled question was simply, "that would get boring, expensive, and unhealthy". Which I translated to "you better not".


  1. My kitchen is a cave, Emily! A CAVE. No windows, dark old cabinets they painted different colors, and nasty tile floor. If you wan't to fly here and do a before and after I would fully support it. :)

  2. Be prepared for the day that I get a place and want to pick your brain.
    See you tonight. Thanks for posting. I am so demanding.

    Don't look into my blog too much... It's not that clever or interesting. It's quite embarrassing.

  3. oh that pink and blue kitchen! i swoon! i've been wanting to put mirrors around our apartment to add more natural light during the day... i feel so proud that you think that's a smart idea :)

  4. Beautiful kitchens! And hey...maybe you'll get super lucky like me & marry a superstar husband who LOVES to cook & is awesome at it! :)

    By the way- this is Becky Hemingway :)

  5. Oh my gosh I am in love with that last photo you posted with the pale gray/blue walls. I can't ever decide if I want those wood floors or black and white tile like Grandma's.

  6. And another thing...the thing I struggle with in a kitchen like that is knowing what to put out on the counters and what you put away. You want things to be handy and look lived in but not cluttered. I don't get it.

  7. Dad said unhealthy?! Blasphemous. I really like the kitchen with the dark wood flooring and blue/gray walls. Those are two of my favorite "looks" for a house (I don't know what else to call them.) I'm worried about my kitchen always looking messy, like crumbs, dried stains on the counters, or things looking cluttered. These are really good ideas!
