
Monday, June 27, 2011

The Luckiest Kid in Town

I have yet to meet someone who can top me in a "why I had the best childhood" contest. Why is that so?

Indoor swings. I have a cool dad who hung a swing from my ceiling in my childhood bedroom. My siblings and I would host circuses for my parents and my babysitters swung in my bedroom until I fell asleep. I recently ran into a friend from elementary school and she even remembered the swing. Yes, that was about the only thing that made me cool in elementary school. Behind the swing was the same shy girl with a slicked back ponytail and overalls. 

My mother was kind enough to put aside all her pretenses and design sense and allowed the swing to stay hanging. She allowed it, that is, until I foolishly came crying to her one afternoon because I fell off. What a pathetic way to end such a magnificent era.