Oh, hello there. My name is Emily Tingey - Emily for the Simon and Garfunkel song, Tingey for my father's family line. My older sister suggested I start a blog to share the thoughts that a constantly buzzing around in my prominently right brained self. Seriously, very little left-brain action going on up there. I dwelled on the idea for a few months, gathered some ideas, and now I'm here to share them with you.
For much of my life I have found joy in creating, imagining and designing. I started as a young girl exploring my grandmother's exquisite home - a home that carried collections from her and my grandfather's well-lived life - and my mother's closet, then donned with fashionable clothing from the early 1990's (she is going to be so embarrassed that I said that). Years later I was able to act on the talents my grandmother and mother saw in me at such an early age, and I sought out the skills to become an Interior Designer through the rigorous program offered at LDS Business College in Salt Lake City, Utah.
There comes great pleasure and tranquility in the creation of something that sprouted from a simple idea. The passion in, dedication to, and understanding of design is instilled in me through the teachings of the women before me, my thorough education, and through my own discovery.
Design is so much more than a pretty color matched with an overpriced piece of furniture. To me, design is another language. It must be practiced and studied in order to be maintain fluency. Styles are constantly on the move, adapting (hopefully) to the needs of the people around them. This blog won't be a journal of all things pretty that *oh my gosh I want so much!* (again, my mother would be very embarrassed if I did that), instead will be a study of those styles and the practical and realistic application that they can have in your life. Design is within reach of everyone, no matter the income or place of residence. Hopefully I can help inspire you to find your specific style and then surround yourself with that. So cheers to the beginning of this blog and happy reading!